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Abby Hatcher and her Fuzzly best friend Bozzly saw a mysterious bottle that her parents brought in from the Antique shop. Didn't they know that is a genie bottle. Suddenly as she gently rubbed the bottle they're transported to Zahramay Falls. Abby and Bozzly met Leah and her twin genies named Shimmer and Shine and they made bestest friends.


Abby Hatcher[]

Abby Hatcher- Macy Drouin

Bozzly- Wyatt White

Lex Hatcher- Terry McGurrin

Miranda Hatcher- Josette Jorge

Chef Jeff- Paul Sun-Hyung Lee

Wai Po- Jane Luk

Shimmer and Shine[]

Shimmer- Lucia Castellano Paz 

Shine- Cande Perez

Leah- Emily Garcia

Parisa, Nahal, Nazboo, Ena, Skadi, Lulu, Zahracorns, and Tala- Dee Bradley Baker

Zac- Andres Rodriguez

Kaz- Justin Paul Kelly

Gigi- Farnaz-Esnaashari Charmatz

Zeta- Lacey Chabert

Princess Samira- Nikki Soohoo

Misha- Kailey Snider

Princess Ula- Tatyana Ali

Princess Adara- Tania Gunadi


Abby: "(Narrating) My name is Abby Hatcher and i am just an ordinary person and this is my fuzzly friend Bozzly. And how do you know how'd i get here in Zahramay Falls and i met Leah and her genies named Shimmer and Shine? Well it's started back at the hotel 6 minutes ago when my parents brought a mysterious bottle from the antique shop."
