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When Lucy gets a sore throat, Lucas and Lydia take Lucy on an adventure to help Pretend Dr. Daisy cure their friends' pretend illnesses so she can earn her pretend doctor sticker.


  • Lucy's voice is all raspy throughout the episode, except for the ending.



Chapter 1: Lucy Gets a Sore Throat[]

(The episode starts off with Lucy getting ready.)

  • Lucy: "I'm excited to spend time with my siblings, Lucas and Lydia. This is gonna be fun. I can't wait. Nothing's better than friends. Whoo! Don't you agree and there's never been a girl(Coughs)More perfect than me."

(Suddenly, Lucy's voice became all raspy.)

  • Lucy: "Oh my. I think I got a sore throat. What am I gonna do."
  • Lucas: "Lucy! Ya ready."
  • Lydia: "Hurry up! We wanna have fun with you, remember."
  • Lucy: "Oh my. Biscuit, How am I ever gonna have fun with a sore throat."
  • Biscuit: (Barks).
  • Lucy: "A disguise. Great idea, Biscuit."

(Meanwhile, Lucas and Lydia are waiting outside. Lucy came out wearing sunglasses, a hat and long fingerless gloves.)

  • Lucas: "Lucy?"
  • Lydia: "Is that you, girl?"

(Lucy didn't answer, she turned away. Biscuit steps in.)

  • Biscuit: (Barks).
  • Lucas: "Lucy wants to play catch."
  • Lydia: "Lucy wants to go bird-watching."
  • Biscuit: (Barks).
  • Lucas: "I get it. Lucy has a sore throat."
  • Biscuit: (Barks).
  • Lydia: "And Lucy wants to tell us something very important. That's so sweet, Luce."
  • Lucy: (Sighs).
  • Lucas: "Wait, Luce. You shouldn't be alone all day with a sore throat."
  • Lydia: "I'm sure we'll find something fun that'll cheer you up."

(Suddenly, their rings started glowing.)

  • Lucas: "Mickey's calling us."
  • Lydia: "Hey Lucy. How about an adventure. An adventure always cheers us up."
  • Lucy: (Gasps).
  • Lucas: "Then, what are we waiting for. C'mon! Let's go!"
  • All: "Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!"

Chapter 2: Arriving at the Clubhouse[]

(And in a magic sparkle, they arrived at the Clubhouse.)

  • Mickey: "Welcome to our Clubhouse!"
  • Lucas: "Hi Mickey!"
  • Lydia: "It's so great to see you, pal."